TV, and the desire of this "personality" to "live" and to "prove" that she can and does is obviously best sat- isfied by doing what women do where women do it, which is out in the world. Genetic women are often said to be exhibitionistic because of their clothing and cer- tain types of behavior. But if that which is normal to women is to be described by a word intended to des- cribe the behavior of abnormal persons then the word either loses its force and meaning or a vast number of women are "abnormal". This therefore becomes a contra- iction of terms. In any case the behavior of women which may be termed "exhibitionistic" certainly is part of the to be expected behavior pattern of a male essaying to express a feminine personality and "..to do in Rome as the Romans do". )))
The Masochistic Traits in Transvestism.
The were clearly exhibited in Alexander's (3) patient. "A transvestite of 40 finds sexual satisfaction when, mas- querading as a servant girl, he is able to serve a severe mistress. His mistress must forbid him to wash himself, until his hands become black with grime. The idea of grimy hands is of itself pleasurable to him and forms the kernel of his masochistic fantasies." He also manifested an un- usual coprophilic interest (love of feces...Ed). "At seven
or eight years of age he frequently smeared himself with feces and while in this state masturbated." His mastur- batory fantasies were definitely masochistic. He fantas- ied that he was being buried by his mother "for punish- ment" in a dung heap. (According to Alexander, "It is an intra-uterine phantasy, which nevertheless means incest- uous coitus. This coitus phantasy has a clear masochis- tic coloring (punishment) and at the same time an anal- erotic one (the dung-heap)." The patient showed also some homosexual features: "...in his masochistic relation to his mother are included the passive homosexual wishes for his father...A series of dreams showed us...that his pas- sive homosexual wishes, which had a strong masochistic co- loring, were transferred from man to woman, to his stern mistress--who is nothing more than a man disguised".